Centuries of wisdom are joyful presented by faculty characters who teach every element of music!
String playing techniques are explained in great detail, producing exceptional results.
Filled with Professional Pointers that Work!
Color-coded worlds engrave concepts in unique ways, delivering confidence and performance mastery.
StringQuest integrates Music with: Science, Math, History, and Critical Thinking Skills.
Beneficial resources that help to create and build a thriving program are contained within the material.
Enroll now and set up infinite student accounts
Class Access for one year is $200 and covers everyone!
Over 1,400 pages of fun, scholarly resources
Comprehensive Curriculum includes:
Topics: Rhythm Tempo Dynamics Theory Music History Playing Techniques
Performance Traditions Learning Focus Common Sense Memory Training
Enjoyable Learning Quests for:
Music Students Parents Orchestra Directors Public School Programs
Private Schools Charter Schools Home Schoolers Independent Learners
And, anyone who wishes to enjoy learning music!
Exercises and Work-outs for All Levels
Mastery Checkpoints Audio Demonstrations Concert Pieces